Eightfires Musica has just posted James Taylors newest album -
Picking Up Where We Left Off. Do yourself a favour and head over there.
Eightfires is an awesome blog with a wide range of groovy flavouring. Definitely worth a visit.
What is Acid Jazz?
Acid jazz (also known as club jazz) is a musical genre that combines elements of soul music, funk, disco, particularly looping beats and modal harmony. It developed over the 1980s and 1990s and could be seen as tacking the sound of jazz-funk onto electronic dance/pop music.
The compositions of groups such as The Brand New Heavies and Incognito often feature chord structures usually associated with Jazz music. The Heavies in particular were known in their early years for beginning their songs as catchy pop and rapidly steering them into jazz territory before "resolving" the composition and thus not losing any pop listeners but successfully "exposing" them to jazz elements in "baby steps".
The acid jazz "movement" is also seen as a "revival" of jazz-funk or jazz fusion or soul jazz by leading DJs such as Norman Jay or Gilles Peterson or Patrick Forge, also known as "rare groove crate diggers".
Thanks for your post!
I will put a link to your site on my site!
Hi there, I see now that you have to be invited to your blog, I have been reading your blog for over a year, love your choice of music, you can reach me at ronaldjamesgagne@gmail.com
thanks alot much appreciated
Glad to see acid jazz back did check in every now again in the hope!!!
Also have been checkin Eighfires for some time any chance you can pass on my details to him so i can continue checkin in. colemanrobert@btconnect.com
Hey, I just found out about eighfires being locked down too. I know nothing about it. I don't have an email for him, but will let you know if I find anything out.
Oh Eighfires how do I contact you to gt an invite, you was my favorite blog!!!!!
From http://eightfiresmusica.blogspot.com/2008/01/thanks_19.html
Friends of Eightfires,
After a year and one month I say thank you for your daily visits, for your commentaries and for joining me.
Unfortunately I have various motifs for closing the blog, I hope that we will meet again in the future.
During the past period and thanks to this blog I have discovered together with you a lot of music, it was a very pleasant and nice experience and I'm glad that I was able to give you pleasant moments.
Thanks to all my visitors and what is left to say to you: see you soon.
I'll leave some videos, news and notes about music on the blog and you're comments always will be welcome.
Please don't send requests, it will not be possible to do that.
Sorry for not leaving a message like this earlier, It was not possible due to a problem with blogger. Please don't think that the blog only is open for invited persons because that is not the case.
Thank you for all and to you all.
The Administrator.
Thanks for writing thiss
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