Kiss 100 FM in London recently spoke to Jay from Jamiroquai prior to their gig at the Lovebox Festival. He is hinting at taking the band back to their roots after their split from Sony Records.
...two new tracks that we've written - they're going on the greatest hits, so there's 18 tracks on that... And then when we've done that I'm going to take some time off to regroup, because obviously I've finished my deal with Sony....I need to regroup, think about what I want to do. So, then I think what we'll do is start our Greatest Hits tour in October, but what I will be doing is, I'll be bringing 3 brass on as well, back to the old school in a way...3 brass, or even 5 brass, if I'm feeling flush - 5 brass, 3 girls, you know what I mean, and get the whole thing kind of working, back to the numbers we used to do as well.
Basically, what I'm going to do is going to say right, we're not allowed to do any of the numbers we have done in the past four years, to bring back the old songs - and that's really important - something to look forward to...
Listen to the full interview here.
Courtesy of funkin.com